Parks and open spaces

Parks, playgrounds and outdoor gyms and allotments in H&F. Please respect your parks and other park users and please take your litter home.

View a map of parks and open spaces in H&F

Interested in making a difference to a park in the borough? Join or start a 'Friends of Park' group.

Using our parks and open spaces

Find out about hiring space in a park

Fitness equipment in H&F parks (outdoor gyms)

Get a professional dog walker's licence

Locking times for parks and cemeteries

Playgrounds in H&F parks

Information about children's playgrounds in H&F's parks and open spaces

Parks customer satisfaction survey 2024

Read our parks customer satisfaction survey report here.

Donated benches scheme

Tree donations

What you can and can't do in a park

Barbecues and open fires are not allowed in any of our parks and open spaces unless part of an authorised event with special conditions. Unauthorised barbecues can result in burnt or scorched grass and they may reignite when disposed of without being put out properly.

For more on parks do's and don'ts read our park byelaws.


There are currently two public allotment sites in the borough at Fulham Palace Meadows and Emlyn Gardens Estate.

Find more about allotments.

Law Enforcement Team

Our LET officers have replaced the parks police team and now carry out borough-wide patrols including parks. They have powers within the parks to enforce bye-laws and a duty to help keep the parks safe and welcoming places for everyone to enjoy.

See our Law Enforcement Team page for more information.

Parks Commission final report and recommendations

Image 1

Ravenscourt Park

The resident-led Parks Commission launched in January 2020. Their final report was produced and approved by cabinet in December 2021.

Following a call for evidence from residents during spring 2020, the commission engaged widely with residents, park users and local communities, despite limitations presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The commission's report made 22 practical headline recommendations concerning democracy and decision-making; how parks were maintained and used; how they were financed; and how green space and biodiversity were enhanced and protected.

For further background see item 5 on the Agenda for Cabinet, Monday 6 December 2021.


Parks and open spaces strategy 2008-2018 (pdf 972KB)

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020 8748 3020

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