H&F completes 12,500 home surveys in modernisation works

The inspections form part of H&F Council’s extensive refurbishment programme as we invest £1.4m a week modernising residents’ homes.

A surveyor from Ridge and Partners LLP visiting an H&F resident

H&F Council is working hard to improve its housing stock so that all council homes meet the needs of residents.

More than 12,500 inspections of both the inside and outside of residents’ homes, also known as a stock condition survey, have now been carried out to help better understand the condition of each home and plan for future improvements.

It forms part of H&F Council’s extensive refurbishment programme as we invest £1.4m a week modernising residents’ homes.

The council’s contractor, Ridge and Partners LLP, and council surveyors will continue to carry out the stock condition surveys this month.

Visit our stock condition survey webpage for more information and how to book your survey appointment.

White City Estate resident Rory Coltart

Job opportunity for local resident

White City Estate resident Rory Coltart has been working for Ridge for the past year.

The council and Ridge worked alongside the charity, Shaw Trust, to provide a local resident with an exciting job opportunity.

After a successful interview process, the 27-year-old secured a job with Ridge and has been working across London in Ridge’s social value department.

“As I didn’t go to university, I wouldn’t normally have applied for a job with a top firm like Ridge. I want to thank H&F Council. It has been a great opportunity. It gave me the push I needed to help me over that professional hurdle with support also from The Shaw Trust and National Careers advice,” said Rory.

“There’s a clear path for internal progression at Ridge and I’ve expressed my interest. I really want to push my career into their social value work and get stuck in with the community.”

Rory, who is a Fulham FC supporter, is also a big fan of the White City Estate where he currently lives, and attends a kickboxing class in his spare time on Goldhawk Road in Shepherds Bush.

“There’s an eclectic mix of people here which is why I like it so much. As you walk around the estate you get a real sense of community,” added Rory.

“I began supporting Fulham FC when I was living in Wandsworth. I could see the lights of the stadium illuminating the sky from my window and I’ve been a fan ever since. I head down to watch the games from time to time.”

Check out other job opportunities in H&F on our jobs webpage.

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