Applications for the council tax energy rebate are now closed.
Updates and information about the £150 energy rebate
If you have applied online
All applicants that completed the form online directly or with the contact centre over the phone are currently being processed. If we need to contact you, we will. Once processed the £150 will be credited to the account you specified by the 30 September. You do not need to contact us to check the progress.
If you haven't applied online but are eligible for the rebate
If you are eligible for the £150 rebate and did not complete an application online or with us directly, you will still receive the £150 payment. Once this is processed all payments will be credited to your council account automatically, we are aiming to complete this by the 30 September. You do not need to contact us and you will be informed when this is completed.
All applicants that completed the form online directly or with the contact centre over the phone are currently being processed. If we need to contact you, we will. Once processed the £150 will be credited to the account you specified by the 30 September. You do not need to contact us to check the progress.
If you need help, call us on 020 8753 6681.
If you're struggling to pay your bills, visit our Cost-of-Living Crisis page for more information on the support available, and practical money-saving ideas.
Cost-of-living help
With bills increasing and inflation at over nine per cent, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is doing everything we can to support local residents during the Cost-of-Living Crisis.
That is why we have:
- frozen council tax and the cost of services across the council
- abolished home care charges for elderly and Disabled residents
- provided free breakfasts for primary school children
- supported the local foodbank and local charities, and
- expanded advice services for those in need of extra support.
Please visit our Cost-of-Living Crisis page for more information on the support available.
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