H&F Leader Cllr Stephen Cowan announces new Mayor, Cabinet and other roles to make borough stronger, safer and kinder

Cllr Stephen Cowan has announced nominations for the new Mayor, Cabinet team and other roles following the 5 May elections.

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Artist's impression of Hammersmith Town Hall on the new King Street Civic Campus in Hammersmith

The Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham, Cllr Stephen Cowan, announced today (18 May) nominations for the new Mayor, Cabinet team and other roles following the local elections on 5 May.

These nominations will be considered at the Annual General Meeting of H&F Council on 25 May.

Commenting on the appointments, Cllr Stephen Cowan said: “Our residents sent us here with a clear mandate to be on their side as we all face some of the biggest challenges in generations.

“Tackling the cost-of-living crisis, cracking down on crime, cleaning our filthy air, improving council homes, and bringing new career and start-up opportunities are just some of the priorities at the heart of our programme. I’m grateful to have been able to appoint a team of hard-working talented councillors into these positions.

“They will work with local people to make Hammersmith & Fulham a stronger, safer, kinder borough for everyone.”

The proposed new positions are as follows.


Mayor and Deputy Mayor nominations
Position Nominee
Mayor Emma Apthorp
Deputy Mayor Daryl Brown


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Top row L-R - Alex Sanderson, Rebecca Harvey, Stephen Cowan, Bora Kwon and Wesley Harcourt. Bottom row L-R - Sharon Holder, Ben Coleman, Frances Umeh, Rowan Ree and Andrew Jones
Cabinet Member nominations
Position Nominee
*Deputy Leader Ben Coleman
Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Community Safety Rebecca Harvey
Cabinet Member for Civic Renewal Bora Kwon
Cabinet Member for Children & Education Alex Sanderson
Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Ecology Wesley Harcourt
Cabinet Member for the Economy Andrew Jones
Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness Frances Umeh
Cabinet Member for Finance & Reform Rowan Ree
Cabinet Member for Public Realm Sharon Holder

*The Deputy Leader will have responsibilities for Health and Social Care


Whip nominations
Position Nominee
Chief Whip Max Schmid
Deputy Whip Genevieve Nwaogbe
Deputy Whip Patrick Walsh

Policy and Accountability Committees (PAC)

Policy and Accountability Committee (PAC) nominations
Position Nominee
Chair of the Policy Unit and Oversight Board Lisa Homan
Chair, Children and Education PAC Helen Rowbottom
Chair, Health and Adult Social Care PAC Natalia Perez
Chair, Social Inclusion and Community Safety PAC Nikos Souslous
Chair, Climate Change and Ecology PAC Nicole Trehy
Chair, The Economy, Arts, Sport and Public Realm PAC Rory Vaughan
Chair, Housing and Homelessness PAC Jacolyn Daly

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