Hammersmith & Fulham Council is committed to 'doing things with residents and not to them' and this is one of our key priorities.
As we embark on an ambitious programme of digital transformation across the council this priority is at the forefront of our planning. We will work with our residents to ensure our programme removes barriers to accessing our services and ensures inclusivity and equality.
Join our new Digital Accessibility Group (DAG)
We would like to invite you to work with us in making our services easier for you to use, more accessible and delivering improvements to our residents and community. After all, as users of our services, you are best placed to help create a really accessible service. So, at this exciting time we invite you to join us and help to make the council's online services work better for you.
The Digital Accessibility Group (DAG) will include residents who represent our exciting and diverse community and council staff, working together to ensure design and delivery of our programme. It is particularly important that our programme is inclusive of and accessible to residents who face a range of barriers to accessing information, including younger and older people, people with English as an additional language and Disabled people.
We are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion so will do our best to meet the access requirements of DAG members to ensure meetings and other activities are inclusive.
- Time commitment - There will be 10 x 2hr meetings per year with some additional opportunities to be involved in wider public engagement.
- This is a paid role - Each member will be paid £20 an hour for each meeting that they go to and £20 for each hour of any extra work that is agreed.
- Contract - There will be a contract, which will be an agreement to work for at least 12 months.
- Start date - We are aiming for the first meeting of the group to be in April 2022.
Who we are looking for
H&F residents who:
- are passionate about digital accessibility and want to be part of our digital transformation journey
- are committed to working alongside officers to deliver meaningful change to improve our services
- have the time to attend monthly meetings (virtually or face to face).
Skills and experience
To apply we would like you to tell us about what you think you can bring to the group by giving information about your skills and (or) experience in areas such as:
- accessing council services (parking, council tax, education, social care etc).
- using digital technology such as online systems, other digital services and an awareness of the opportunity that this technology presents.
- working in a group and making decisions as a group.
- involvement with committees or steering groups that make sure change is put into place.
- understanding of and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
The selection process
We will choose Digital Accessibility Group members using the information they give about their experience and skills. We will make sure that the group represents the diversity of residents in the borough in its work.
What to do if you are interested in this role
Applications for this group are now closed.
Closing date
Closing date for applications was midday on 18 April 2022
Further information
If you have any questions, please contact David Isaac on 07770794399.
Co-production – Doing things with residents not to residents