e-Scooters and e-Bikes are becoming increasingly popular in the community but they can be a fire risk. London Fire Brigade attended over 116 fires involving e-Scooters and e-Bikes in 2022.
Fires from electrically powered scooters and bikes have caused eight deaths and at least 190 injuries in the UK since 2020 and are said to be the cause of at least six fires a week, according to safety campaigners.
On occasions batteries can fail catastrophically, they can 'explode' and/or lead to a rapidly developing fire. This can often block the means of escape from your home.
Electrical Safety First has also produced an article on the growing dangers.
Battery breakdown | Electrical Safety First
Follow the safety instructions
It's important to follow the safety instructions. Both the London Fire Brigade and the National Fire Chiefs Council provide advice about storing and charging e-bikes and e-scooters.