H&F Hate Crime Strategy 2024-2028 - Introduction: Our vision

Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) has one of the most diverse communities in the UK - something we are immensely proud of. We want to ensure our H&F communities are unified and connected and diversity is valued. H&F is a champion of all people, inclusive of race, faith, disability, sexuality, and gender identity. Each year we celebrate Hate Crime Awareness Week, Refugee Week and Pride in London, along with many faith festivals.

With our partners we are committed to tackling hate crime because we understand the impact of these crimes on individuals and communities.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council will not tolerate discrimination of any kind and will do everything we can to prevent this from happening. As a local authority, we will use the powers and resources available to us to achieve the objectives set out in this strategy.

At H&F, equity and inclusion is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to doing things with residents, not to them. This hate crime strategy has been developed in collaboration with over 100 residents, voluntary organisations and partner agencies and sets out our commitment to tackling discrimination and harassment.

H&F want to stand united against all forms of discrimination, including misogyny. While misogyny and alternative subcultures are not currently recognised as hate crime strands by central government, this strategy also considers crimes against women and alternative subcultures and makes clear that harassment of any kind is not acceptable within our borough. We aim to promote inclusivity and support, educating ourselves and others while raising awareness and advocating change around gender-based crime. We will work closely with our partners on this, and ensure our priorities align with our Violence against Women and Girls Strategy 2022-2027.

Accompanying this strategy is an action plan which sets out how we will achieve our objectives. The action plan is a living document which will be regularly updated to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our communities.

We know that global events such as Brexit and conflicts in Israel-Gaza and Ukraine can have a large impact on recorded hate crimes globally.

Following the escalation of the conflict in Israel-Gaza in October 2023 we have seen a concerning increase in Islamophobia and Antisemitism across London and the UK. In H&F, we are committed to ensuring our diverse borough is welcoming and safe for everyone. This strategy aims to demonstrate our
commitment to preventing Islamophobia, Antisemitism and all forms of hate crime.

Having a flexible action plan allows us to adapt to current and emerging challenges.

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