Economy and labour market
economic activity rate
in full-time employment
in part-time employment
working mainly from home
66% of residents in the ward were economically active (working or looking for work). This compares to 64% in London.
The female economic activity rate was 63% and for males was 69%.
41% of residents aged 16+ were employed full-time (37% in London) and 8% part-time (11% in London).
53% worked mainly from home in 2021 (42% in London).
6,593 residents (4%) were unemployed and looking for work. This compares to 4% in London.
in professional occupations
have a degree level qualification
have no formal qualification
full-time students
The professional, scientific and technical sector is the largest source of employment with 14%, followed by health and social work (12%) and wholesale and retail trade (11%).
19% of the employed population were working as managers, directors and senior officials (15% in H&F), while 30% were working in professional occupations (26% in H&F).
7% were working in administrative and secretarial occupations (8% in H&F) and 6% in elementary occupations (9% in H&F).
12% of adults have no formal qualification compared to 16% in London and 18% in England.
58% have a level 4 qualification-degree level (47% in London and 34% in England).
There are 35,938 schoolchildren and full-time students in the ward. This is 21% of the borough's population aged 5+ compared to 22% in London.
Company |
Employees |
Sector |
4,901 |
TV, film and video production services |
Charing Cross Hospital |
4,752 |
Health and social work |
Hammersmith Hospital |
3,049 |
Health and social work |
L'Oreal Ltd |
2,820 |
Wholesale of perfume and comestics |
Omni Facilities |
2,663 |
Labour recruitment |
H&F Council (excluding schools) |
2,089 |
General public service activities |
Metropolitan Police |
1,994 |
Public security, law and order activities |
Walt Disney Co Ltd |
1,551 |
TV, film and video production services |
Imperial College of Science |
1,121 |
Scientific research and development |
Sensee Ltd |
1,119 |
Information technology activities |
Household income
The average gross household income (including investment income and social security benefits) in the borough is £61,181 per annum (£55.4k in London and £48k in England).
24% of households depend on less than £30,000 per annum compared to 29% in London, while 28% have an income of over £80k (23% in H&F).
The following graphic shows the average household income levels across the borough.

Cost of living
Housing Benefit claims
Universal Credit claims
pupils on free school meals
fuel poor households
The total number of Housing Benefit (HB) claimants in the ward stands at 9,875 (12% of households) compared to 12% in London.
Most HB claimants (89%) live in the social rented sector (78 in London), while the remaining 11% rent their property privately.
In December 2023, there were 19,829 Universal Credit (UC) claimants in the borough. This is 13% of the 16+ population compared to 14% in H&F.
65% of all UC claimants were not in employment (65% in London).
4,556 residents received Pension Credit benefit. This is 17% of all aged 60+ compared to 18% in London.
The number of pupils attending schools and living in H&F receiving free school meals stands at 4,550. This is 21% of all pupils compared to 17% in London as a whole.
The ONS has estimated that 11% of households in the borough are fuel poor compared to 12% in London.
Owners and private renters are less likely to be fuel poor than those in social rented housing.