Things Disabled people can do before starting their new job

There are things that you can do, to make it easier before you start your new job.

Before your first day at work

You can:

  • Agree a start date with your new employer.
  • Check what you should wear for work.
  • Make sure you know how to get to work.
  • If you need to use a bus or train to get to work, try to do a practice journey before you start.
  • Make sure you know the name of the person you need to ask for and meet on your first day.
  • Make sure you have the phone number and the address of your new work.

Get help from Action on Disability to ensure your workplace is accessible so you can do your job

You can contact Action on Disability who can talk to your employer about your support needs and apply for government funding so you can access work. This funding can pay for things like assistive software, support workers and physical changes to your workplace.

See Help to stay in work if you have a disability or health condition

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