Job opportunities, work experience, training and support for young people looking to start work.

If you are aged 16 and over, local services in H&F can support you to:

  • develop your skills through training and work experience
  • find work

Advice and support through H&F Works

H&F works offers one-to-one advice, guidance and vacant opportunities to access:

  • training
  • apprenticeships
  • internships
  • volunteering
  • jobs

It is available to you if you are:

  • a Hammersmith & Fulham resident
  • aged 16 plus

If you have a question about your CV, need support with interview preparation or have another question about starting work, you can:

Visit H&F works in person:

When: Every Tuesday, 10am to 3pm.

Where: Macbeth Centre, Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6 9JJ

Email or telephone 020 8753 1800

See H&F Works

Help to prepare for, find and stay in work from Job Centre Plus

Contact your nearest Job Centre Plus office to access support on:

  • searching for jobs and training
  • work experience and job trialling schemes
  • help with starting your own business
  • help combining work with looking after children or caring responsibilities
  • extra help for specific problems

If you are a disabled person or have a long-term health condition you can access additional support from Jobcentre Plus. Ask at your local branch to find out more.

Find your nearest office on GOV.UK

Vacant job and learning opportunities

Find jobs and opportunities through H&F works

Find jobs in H&F council

Find jobs in H&F schools

Find jobs on GOV.UK

If you would like careers advice, you can get this from your school or college.

You can also explore different types of careers on the government's National Careers Service website .

Develop your learning, skills and experiences

You can work for the council in a sector that you are interested in and or access a wide range of courses available to residents.

If you are aged 14 to 24 you can also develop your skills, experiences and serve your communities through The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) award scheme.

To learn more about these opportunities and understand the different types of qualifications for 16 to 19 year olds see Get ready for work: Develop your learning and work experiences.

Guidance for Disabled young people looking for work

All the services on this page are inclusive to young people with special educational needs and disabilities. There is also specialist support that young people with SEND can access.

See our guide pages:

Find and keep a job that you like through Shaw Trust

Support can include:

  • developing the skills you need to get into work
  • CV writing
  • mock interviews
  • applying for jobs.

When starting your new job, you can get support during the onboarding process and help with tasks until your confidence increases.

Programmes are for people:

  • with disabilities and complex needs
  • that have been out of work for extended periods of time
  • who are looking to upskill or retrain for new opportunities
  • who face barriers to employment (a refugee, a young person identified as being involved or at risk, a homeless person)

For information on ongoing programmes see We support people to get good work on the Shaw Trust website

The Spear Programme for extra support to access work due to certain circumstances

Spear is a free programme that coaches young people aged 16 to 24 looking for work and who face barriers such as:

  • mental health challenges
  • low confidence
  • poor grades
  • experience of the care system
  • experience of the criminal justice system

You'll be given the confidence, mindset, and skills to get into work and thrive once there. You'll benefit from an impressive CV and cover letter, interview training and practice, access to live job opportunities, and follow-on career support.

Based in Hammersmith you'll attend weekday afternoon sessions for six weeks, with start dates throughout the year.

See The Spear Programme on the resurgo website

Living Independently service directory for more on learning, employment and volunteering opportunities

Visit the Living Independently service directory for information about learning, employment and volunteering options.

Living Independently service directory

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