Preparation for adulthood social workers

Who we support

We support eligible young people aged 14 to 25 years and their families who are residents of Hammersmith & Fulham.

What we do


  • do all the tasks the disabled children's team social workers do for young people for eligible children and young people in transition aged between 14 and 25 years old
  • assist young people and families to think about the future, including work, health, housing, finance and support and plan options in adulthood
  • complete adult Care Act assessments of need and identify needs, outcomes and packages of support with young people to meet identified needs, for individuals with or without a learning disability
  • help young people and families understand how support in adulthood can be different to support provided to children
  • make referrals to adult services as required and accompany families on visits if required
  • attend annual education reviews at key transition points
  • assist the council, health and education services to plan for the future needs of young people entering adulthood

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