Local offer and co-production

What we do


  • work closely with children, young people and families and the strategic leads for coproduction in the council, to make sure the co-production work is going in the right direction
  • lead on the Preparation for Adulthood agenda, working to make sure young people have the support they need for successful transition into adulthood
  • work with schools and education settings and other stakeholders, to develop new ways to include children and young people and ensure they have the opportunity to reach their own potential
  • oversee the arrangements for the SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) Independent Advice and Information Service (IASS)
  • produce and distribute information and literature about the Local Offer and SEND service
  • develop the post-16 offer for young people, co-ordinate the H&F Supported Internships and development of other pathways into and out of education, including work experience and apprenticeships
  • maintain the Local Offer, update as required, and support providers to manage their pages

Contact us

145 to 155 King Street
W6 9XY

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