Who we are
Inspire consists of teams of qualified specialist teachers from a broad range of backgrounds who work with school staff in Hammersmith & Fulham. They promote education, inclusion and achievement of learners.
The Dyslexia team are a traded service and there is a charge for their support and interventions and is available to both residents and non-residents.
Who we support
We support children and young people:
- aged 0 to 25 years old and their families who are residents of Hammersmith & Fulham
- who are non-residents but in Hammersmith & Fulham early years education settings.
Learners can be referred to the service by schools or a specialist health professional.
The teams work with schools to support staff in making the teaching and learning accessible including those with:
- sensory needs (visual impairment and hearing impairment)
- specific literacy and numeracy difficulties including dyslexia and dyscalculia
- communication and interaction needs, which includes those with autistic spectrum conditions (including autism)
- pre-school children with significant developmental delay
What we do
The individual support for learners is informed from partnership conversations with the family, school and special educational needs (SEN) support plan or education, health and care (EHC) plan.
Specialist targeted interventions with rigorous assessment and progress tracking, including:
- observing the learner in schools and other settings
- supporting schools to develop strategies and a clear programme of support
- liaising with other agencies with permission from parents
- diagnostic assessments
- support with use of technology and specialist equipment
- provide information for the EHC plan and annual reviews
- facilitating support groups for parents and young people
- direct support for the learner involved that may include modelling techniques for school staff to implement
- specialist training and advice for staff; professionals and families
- linking with parents and carers
- offering advice and support for transitions, such as moving from primary to secondary school
- liaising with and work jointly with a wide range of professionals including speech therapists, educational psychologists, audiologists, ophthalmologists and health visitors
Contact us
- Email: inspire@lbhf.gov.uk
- Address: 145 to 155 King Street, Hammersmith, W6 9XY