Hearing difficulties

Support services for children and young people with hearing impairment.

If you have concerns about your child's hearing, in the first instance you can speak to a professional such as a:

  • GP
  • health visitor
  • special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) who is a teacher that coordinates the provision for children with special educational needs or disabilities in schools

They can refer your child to the appropriate services to ensure they meet the child’s needs. 

In H&F, the following services can offer support. For:

  • H&F residents aged 0 - 18 with hearing difficulties, the Paediatric Audiology Service - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust  provides services such as hearing assessments, follow-up care, and amplification
  • preschool children (0 - 5) registered with a GP in H&F, the Early Years Service for Deaf Children can support providing assessments, therapy, online sessions, and training for professionals
  • school-age children and young people who have speech, language, and communication differences and are registered with a GP in H&F, you can access support from the H&F Speech and Language Therapy Team 
  • H&F residents aged 0 - 25 with hearing difficulties who are attending any setting such a children’s centre or school, you  can ask the organisation or school to make a referral to INSPIRE

Support is also offered through the following independent charities:

Hearing impairment and deafness guide

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