The H&F Plan - 2023 to 2026 - Investing in the future

Published: 15 December 2023

The investment we make in our communities and infrastructure will be critical in making H&F a better place to live. We have plans to invest over £500 million in the borough between 2023-27 to meet the ambitions in this H&F Plan.  

As part of our Capital Strategy, we are leading efforts to fix the iconic Grade II Hammersmith Bridge and restore it to its full beauty once again with a sustainable funding model.

Our 12-year, £729m investment in Council homes will make the biggest impact, providing more Council homes that will serve as a foundation for healthy, happy, and safe living.  

An artist's impression of the new Hartopp and Lannoy housing development.

Through our Building Homes and Communities Strategy, we are also self-funding a programme to deliver new, genuinely affordable housing which will help maintain the borough’s vibrant social mix, renew community assets such as schools and leisure centres, whilst also generating income to reinvest in essential services.

For current and future generations, we are investing in new technology to clean the borough’s air and adapt our streets, buildings and council homes to be more resilient to climate change.

This includes using £100m of the 12-year funding earmarked for council home improvements specifically for making homes more energy efficient.

All capital investments will continue to be underpinned by robust business cases that assess costs and risks with clear outcomes for residents. Risk management and strong project and programme management practices will continue to shape delivery.

Our Capital Programme is guided by statutory strategies such as the Capital Strategy, Housing Revenue Account Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy.

Our ambition

Our ambition is to continue to invest wisely in our homes, services, public spaces, our workforce and partnerships to ensure long-term financial resilience for our services, to deliver a stronger, safer, and kinder borough for everyone.

Short term goals

In the short term, we will:

  • invest in schools and more in-borough Special Education Needs provision
  • reduce the carbon emissions of our homes and infrastructure, whilst also investing so physical assets can adapt to the inevitable changes in our climate
  • regenerate the borough through schemes such as EdCity, at Hartopp and Lannoy and White City, making use of joint ventures with the private sector
  • continue to invest in workforce and organisational development.
The leader, Cllr Stephen Cowan and Mayor of H&F, Cllr Patricia Quigley at the new Ark White City Primary Academy in November 2023.

Long term goals

In the long term, we will:

  • deliver and fund significant investment in council homes where it will make the biggest impact on residents’ quality of life, health, and wellbeing
  • fix the Grade II listed iconic Hammersmith Bridge in partnership with Transport for London and the Department for Transport
  • build strategic partnerships, such as with Imperial University on the Industrial Strategy, to achieve ground-breaking change through investment
  • use capital investment to enable the council to become more efficient, such as through investing in digital transformation and income generation opportunities.

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