The H&F Plan - 2023 to 2026 - Creating a compassionate and inclusive council

Published: 15 December 2023

We want to be a council that acts with compassion and inclusivity. This will increase our efficiency and strengthen cohesion in our communities.

We’re reforming the council to ensure this is a place for everybody, and we’ll challenge any unfairness and all forms of discrimination that threaten to drive inequality in our borough.

We’ll put the health and happiness of all our residents first and seek out new ways to challenge deep rooted inequalities.

The King's Coronation street parties brought was a fantastic occassion to bring communities and young and older people together.

Our priorities are to:

  • put fairness, equity and inclusion at the heart of everything we do
  • support our residents to have long, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • prevent poverty and its impacts
  • ensure Disabled people have the right to independent living.

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