Doing things with residents, not to them
Our philosophy is to enhance civic life by empowering residents to change their own neighbourhoods for the better. That includes giving residents a leading role in developing policy in public, with the public.
We believe that, if we do this, residents themselves can often change things for the better, and do it faster than anyone else.
We know we'll succeed if we bring people together and work with them to tackle what holds us back. That includes supporting people so everyone has a fair chance to be heard and to take part.
Complaints, compliments and feedback
Complaints, compliments and comments
If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our services, we want to hear from you. Please send us your comments which will be passed to the relevant service areas. This helps us develop the way we deliver our services to you.
For information on specific types of complaints see:
- challenge a penalty charge notice
- complaints about a councillor
- adult social care complaints
- children's services complaints
- school complaints procedure.
Search for new consultations and check previous consultation results or visit our consultations web page.
Keep up with latest news, events and issues
Or follow us and comment on social media - links are in the header of all our web pages.
Planning comments
Comment on a planning application
Resident-led commissions
Do you have expertise or skills that you'd like to use to help shape council policy? Read more about our resident-led commissions and how to get involved.
The H&F Volunteer Centre can put people who want to help in their local community in touch with people who need volunteers.
Find out about volunteering in H&F
Speak up for your neighbourhood
Want to do your bit, get to know your neighbours, or help look after your street?
Find out about the different ways you can speak up for your neighbourhood.
Something wrong with our website?
We welcome your feedback on our website, it helps us to improve it.
Or you can rate the page by clicking on the smiley faces at the bottom of all web pages. You can leave a comment here too.
Tenant and leaseholder involvement
How to get involved in decisions about housing services.
Report a street problem
Report problems with your environment including litter, graffiti, rubbish dumping or any other street problem
Or call our hotline on 020 8753 1100 or email
Take part in the democratic process
Come along to a council meeting, send us a petition, organise a deputation or ask a question at a full council meeting.
Take part in the democratic process
Health and social care resident involvement
Have your say on local health and social care services.
Youth involvement
Are you under 18? Want to have more say? Make your voice heard…
Report fraud
Find out how to report benefit and housing fraud
Fraud by council staff or other kinds of fraud
To report any other kinds of fraud, please contact:
Corporate Anti-Fraud Service
Hammersmith & Fulham Council
Hammersmith Town Hall
King Street
London W6 9JU
020 8753 1273
Read the Local Government Transparency Code (pdf 89KB)
Contact your councillor
If you're unhappy with the way we've dealt with your complaint you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.