Could you help improve the lives of local children and young people?

Help shape the future and become a school governor in H&F.

Secondary school pupils in a classroom.

School governors are people like you. You may be a parent or simply a concerned citizen with an interest in education. If you feel that you have something to offer the children and young people of H&F, please get in touch to find out more about becoming a school governor.

School governors reflect the whole community, including parents, teachers and other people working in schools, the local authority, local businesses, religious and community groups.

All governors take an equal part in strategic decision making.

What do governors do?

School governors, in partnership with school staff, are responsible for making sure all pupils get a high-quality education, they make important strategic decisions about how schools are run.

Governors have a strategic role and work together to carry out their three core functions:

  • ensure there is a clear vision, ethos, and strategic direction
  • governors work closely with the headteachers and senior leaders, holding them to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • governors oversee the financial performance and make sure the school's money is well spent.

Though it's not paid, being a governor is a big responsibility and takes time, energy, and commitment. But don't be put off because you are not an expert, plenty of training and support is available.

Primary school children in a classroom.

Time commitment

This does vary depending on the governing board that you join, there is an expectation that you will attend all full governing board meetings approximately six times a year during school term time. In addition, you may be required to be a member of a committee, or visit the school a few times a year to carry out a school visit or be a member of a specialist panel.

Under-represented groups

We are particularly interested in encouraging governors from minority ethnic groups and younger members of the community as these are currently under-represented on governing boards.

To find out more, please email

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