We're inviting everyone with a garden in H&F to sign up for our new green waste collection service.
At just £90 a year, it's a great way for those with green fingers to have green waste collected and recycled. That's less than £1.84 a week.
Here are just a few reasons why we've introduced the new service:
- less hassle for those with gardens, large or small
- helps us fight climate change
- increases the amount we recycle
- doing the right thing for the environment.
Every week, your garden waste will be taken to a compost facility to be turned into high-quality fertiliser to help farmers grow new flowers, plants and crops.
Subscribe to garden waste collections today
Cllr Sharon Holder, H&F Cabinet Member for Public Realm, said:
We want to help our local gardeners – whether your green space is large or small. By boosting the amount of garden waste we recycle, it helps keep H&F the greenest borough in Britain."

What you will get
Subscribers will receive two brown, 90-litre reusable and foldable garden waste bags.
All sorts of organic materials can go in your new brown bags, such as:
- grass cuttings
- leaves
- twigs and sticks
- garden prunings
- cut flowers
- fallen fruit.
Garden waste should never be put in your rubbish bins or recycling. From September, only use our garden bag subscription service if you want it taken away.
You will be billed annually from the date of your first collection.