H&F ranked one of London's safest boroughs following major crime-fighting investment

As part of the H&F’s £8m+ investment in fighting crime in 2023, our Law Enforcement Team has played a crucial role in keeping the borough safe and clean.

LET officers with Met police colleagues in Hammersmith Broadway

Hammersmith & Fulham has been ranked as one of London’s safest boroughs – thanks to help from our new Law Enforcement Team.

H&F has the fourth lowest crime rate per 1,000 visitors, according to recent capital footfall data. And that’s even with the huge number of visitors to our local world-class entertainment, sport and shopping attractions.

As part of the H&F’s £8million+ investment in fighting crime over the last financial year, our Law Enforcement Team has played a crucial role in our tough approach to fighting and preventing crime.

Between December 2023 to June 2024, the H&F officers helped keep the borough safe and clean by carrying out:

  • 47,875 patrols across housing areas, highways, and parks
  • 2,914 completed investigations into reports of anti-social behaviour
  • 1,948 weapon sweeps, resulting in the removal of five knives from local streets
  • 870 fixed penalty notices for issues such as fly-tipping, littering and highway obstruction.
LET officer conducting a weapon sweep along the Thames footpath in Fulham

Crackdown on anti-social behaviour

The Law Enforcement Team forms part of H&F’s broader strategy to tackle and prevent crime in the borough. This also includes a £1.7m boost to H&F’s CCTV upgrade programme last year, which assisted in more than 500 arrests.

The LET’s support has also helped cut the number of anti-social behaviour complaints from H&F residents to the police from 8,480 in 2021 to fewer than 6,800 in 2023.

Meanwhile, residents report feeling more confident in reporting anti-social behaviour directly to H&F's LET officers. In the last six months, there was a significant 57% increase in reports (758) to the LET compared to the same period last year (457).

Cllr Rebecca Harvey, H&F Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Community Safety, highlighted the team's role in the council’s crime fighting efforts, saying:

The LET is a key component of our multifaceted approach to community safety. Their work, alongside our investments in CCTV technology and initiatives to protect vulnerable groups, demonstrates our commitment to making H&F a safer place for all.”

LET officers speaking with Clem Attlee estate residents in Fulham

Meet the LET

The Law Enforcement Team holds regular surgeries in H&F libraries, offering residents face-to-face opportunities to discuss local concerns.

No appointment needed, just drop in between 2pm and 4pm at our upcoming LET surgery dates:

  • Monday 15 July - Fulham Library
  • Monday 5 August - Shepherds Bush Library
  • Monday 12 August - Hammersmith Library.

If you see the team out and about, please approach them, they’re here to help.

Or report an issue by emailing the team on let.hf@lbhf.gov.uk or calling 020 8753 1100 (select option 3). In an emergency, always call the police on 999.

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