Do you love Hammersmith & Fulham's parks? If you're passionate about making the borough's green spaces even better, we want to hear from you.
We're looking for 11 volunteers who live or work in H&F to join our new Parks Forum. You'll represent our open spaces, the residents who use them, and help H&F's Parks Services continue to improve them.
"Working with volunteers with a passion for green spaces will help us create welcoming, accessible parks for all," said Cllr Sharon Holder, H&F Cabinet Member for Public Realm.
The forum is a recommendation that we adopted from our 2020 Residents' Commission for Parks and Open Spaces.
"We want to continue the excellent work of the Parks and Open Spaces Commission," she added. "It's just one of the ways we're making H&F an even better place to live, work and socialise."
Sow your skills
Whether you're a part of a park Friends Group, or simply enjoy a Sunday stroll across your local green, we want to hear from you.
The forum will consult on borough-wide park plans and policies, support public engagement in park decisions and represent local groups' interests.
We want people who can bring their expertise to the forum. This could include skills and understanding in equality and diversity, marketing and communications, horticulture, financial management, health, sports, the environment, or entrepreneurship.
Nominated volunteers will be selected by a panel to provide a representative and balanced forum. Once the forum is established, members will appoint new people through a fair and transparent selection process.
Register your interest and tell us why you want to become a Parks Forum volunteer by midnight on Sunday 5 February. We welcome interest from all park users and please let us know which park Friends Group you're a part of, if applicable.
To apply, email Carla: carla.dublin@lbhf.gov.uk
Doing things with residents, not to them
We listened to our Residents' Commission and accepted all 22 of its recommendations on how to improve and protect H&F's community green spaces.
Setting up the Parks Forum was one of these proposals. The new forum will oversee H&F's implementation of the remaining suggestions.
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