Hammersmith & Fulham Council is working with landlords and tenants to improve energy standards in privately rented homes.
More than 30 per cent of homes in H&F are now rented from private landlords - or more than 27,500 local residents.
We require landlords to meet housing standards as part of our licensing schemes. Now, H&F is set to start enforcing the minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes.
"Ensuring local homes are as warm and energy efficient as possible will not only cut carbon emissions but will also help to save money throughout the winter," said Cllr Lisa Homan, H&F Cabinet Member for Housing.
We're working hard to ensure that all landlords are following the same regulations.
The first phase of our enforcement work begins with licensed landlords through our schemes. The second phase will expand to engage with all private landlords about the minimum energy efficiency standards. Where landlords do not engage with us, financial penalty notices will be served.
Poorly insulated homes are expensive to heat, bad for our health and contribute to the climate emergency.
What are the new energy rules?
The new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) seek to target the worst performing privately rented properties.
The Government has now given H&F the enforcement powers to require landlords to make sure their properties are more energy efficient. Specifically, this affects all homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of F or G.
This work will aid ongoing efforts to improve the living standards of private renters. It will also help us reach our climate emergency goal of making H&F carbon net zero by 2030.
What about council housing?
Our ambitious carbon net zero targets also mean that we aim to retrofit council-owned homes to make them as energy efficient as possible by 2030.
We will start by upgrading 27 homes in the West Kensington Estate with each home being fitted with new insulation, windows and doors. Solar panels will also be installed to generate renewable energy for the household.
For more details about the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, visit our MEES web page or email: PRSMEES@lbhf.gov.uk
Read more to find out what else we're doing to tackle the climate and ecological emergency in H&F.
To find out more about property licensing, visit our property licensing web page or email: phs@lbhf.gov.uk
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