Top GCSE marks for one in ten at London Oratory

Students at London Oratory achieved another exceptional performance in this year’s GCSE examinations, with one in ten passes at the highest grade.

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London Oratory students

Students at London Oratory achieved another exceptional performance in this year’s GCSE examinations, with one in ten passes at the highest grade.

Across the board, the average grade was the equivalent of an old-style B, according to provisional figures.

Grades are awarded from nine to one. With nine, eight and seven ranging from what would have been A* to A in the old system, and four being similar to a C.

One in ten passes was at the highest possible level: grade nine.

While more than a quarter of all grades were at grade eight and above.

Ninety-two per cent of pupils crossed the all-important threshold of five subjects at grade four and above.

“I am absolutely delighted that our pupils have moved through their first major rites of passage with such flying colours,” said Headmaster Daniel Wright.

“They are well equipped to progress to the next stage of their life path, whatsoever it is they have chosen.

“Such an impressive performance is a fitting tribute to the efforts of our ambitious and hard-working pupils, their supportive families and our committed and skilled staff.”

If your child will be in Year 6 of primary school in September 2018, he/she will be moving on to secondary school in September 2019. Find information and advice on applying for secondary school places

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