Diversity and inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion matters in H&F. We are committed to being an employer of choice through fostering greater inclusion, promote diversity and build a sense of belonging.

Within CYPS we are on a journey to develop cultural humility with our Director for Children's Service the diversity lead for the council.

H&F priorities

In seeking to identify a new suite of equality objectives to focus on, a wide-ranging consultation was carried out in early 2021 where we asked residents and staff for their views on our draft Equalities Plan which set out our plan and objectives for the next four years.

The following priorities and objectives were agreed:

  1. Everyone in our borough feels valued and they belong
  2. Removing barriers to inclusion
  3. Ensuring that our services tackle the disproportionate impact on young people (including those at risk of street crime and exploitation by gangs)
  4. Improving opportunities for all
  5. Becoming an employer of choice and fostering greater inclusion

Staff groups

Race Equality Staff Forum

Our Race Equality Staff Forum has been formed to take positive action to challenge and address racial discrimination and to tackle racial inequality in the workplace.

We will avoid becoming a 'talk shop' or fixating on what is not working.

The forum is a platform to empower and support Black, Asian, and multi-ethnic colleagues. It seeks to provide educational opportunities to all staff. Allies welcome!

Women's Network

Who we Are:

A group of staff who network, support and champion the wellbeing of female staff, and tackle issues they are facing at the workplace

Provide opportunities for female staff to connect, share experiences, exchange knowledge and ideas and support each other.

Provide opportunities for female colleagues to utilise their skills to support and empower each other

Provide a platform for female colleagues to form a collective voice.

Provide opportunities to share activities and events

The network aims to help make H&F a better place to work for all female staff in terms of career development, role modelling, work/life balance, awareness raising (including life changes) and access to external networks.


We are a group of staff who identify as LGBTQIA and ally's.

This is a platform that aims to:

  • Provide a safe space for LGBTQIA staff to share their experiences, views and concerns, exchange knowledge and ideas, signpost, and most importantly support each other.
  • Network, support, and champion the wellbeing of LGBTQIA staff, and tackle issues in the workplace
  • Be a sounding board for the organisation/senior leaders to hear from LGBTQIA staff and learn and understand the barriers they face.
  • Provide a platform for LGBTQIA staff to form a collective voice.
  • Help create a positive and more inclusive workplace for all LGBTQIA staff, through organising training for staff.
  • Celebrate events and meet up socially at work

Allies welcome!

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