Leaving prison and at risk of being homeless

If you are going to prison and are likely to be homeless upon your release, the prison has a requirement to refer you to the authority of your choice. You should be aware that Hammersmith & Fulham will check that you have a local connection to the borough if you choose H&F. 

When you are processed when entering prison, you should inform the officers of your housing situation at the earliest opportunity to ensure that a referral can be made prior to your release. Our ex-offender housing advisor will be able to support you through your housing journey after your release from prison.  

If you are released and are rough sleeping, then please visit our rough sleeping pages for advice and support.  

As many people that leave prison are single and may not have a priority need for social housing, please visit our supported accommodation for single homeless people for more information and advice on what you can expect from the homelessness process.  

Please visit Other support available from the council for information on where you can access support for job applications, skills training, and digital access if you are unable to use a computer for any applications.  

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