Housing representatives’ forum terms of reference

Agreed on 28 November 2023 

1. Purpose

1.1    The Housing Representatives Forum (HRF) acts as the central representative body for residents.  It is a vehicle for policy development, performance, and delivery monitoring. It co-ordinates the work of the other resident involvement groups and ensures that residents’ views are reflected in all aspects of housing services across the Economy Department.    

1.2    The Housing Representatives Forum makes recommendations on all matters relating to the delivery of housing services.  The Housing Representatives Forum acts in an advisory capacity to officers and as a sounding board for the development of future policies and strategies. It is agreed by the Officers and Administration that these recommendations will form an integral part of the decision-making process.    

1.3    TRA representatives and other forum representatives are expected to fulfil the ongoing commitment to send representatives to this meeting.  

2. Activities of the forum

2.1 The Housing Representatives Forum will:

  • Ensure that residents’ views are reflected in the design and provision of services.    
  • Make better decisions by responding to resident priorities.  
  • Continually improve the tenant/leaseholder and landlord relationship.  
  • Be a sounding board for new projects and pilots.  
  • Improve communities and neighbourhoods.  
  • Monitor the Resident Involvement strategy delivery plan.  
  • Make sure that all people have an equal opportunity to get involved.  
  • Look at using new technology to increase engagement and representation.  
  • Be a vehicle for increased networking and the sharing of ideas by TRAs.  
  • Receive from the Council’s Monitoring Officer an annual report on the Defend Council Homes Policy. The Chair of the Forum is the nominated person responsible for ensuring that HRF works with officers to monitor H&F’s adherence to the Policy.  
  • Monitor the Council's observance of the Defend Council Homes Policy. This will include receiving details from the Council’s Redevelopment team on a six-monthly basis of any first notices, second notices, confirmed redevelopment proposals and resident steering groups that have been established.  
  • Act as the Reading Group, commenting on documents that are shared by email and making suggestions for change.  

3. Membership

3.1 Membership of the Forum is open to:  

  • All elected TRA representatives.  
  • Sheltered Forum representatives (up to a maximum of 5 representatives to reflect the proportion of sheltered housing schemes relative to general needs properties).  
  • Small Block and Street Property Champions (up to a maximum of 5 representatives to reflect the proportion of small blocks and street properties relative to general needs properties. Nominated members will be agreed by the Small Block and Street Property Forum).  
  • Chairs and Vice Chairs of the resident involvement structure groups.  
  • Members of Community Forums (up to a maximum of 2 members per Board)  
  • Young people’s representatives (method of election to be agreed by the forum).  

3.2 Nominees may be appointed to attend the Housing Representatives Forum in the absence of a member. This will only be for the particular meeting that the nominee is attending and the nominee will not be added to the mailing list for future meetings. Residents from newly forming TRAs are permitted to attend Housing Representatives Forum meetings in a non-participatory capacity until their TRA is fully registered with the council. With the agreement of the Chair, residents from newly forming TRAs will have an opportunity to raise any questions or comments on what they have witnessed at the meeting under Any Other Business.  

3.3 Residents can only be Chair of one resident-led service improvement group, or forum. Residents can only be Vice Chair of one service improvement group, or resident-led forum. This is to increase opportunities for representation and involve more residents in leading the groups and forums.  

3.4 Members are required to:  

  • Work co-operatively and constructively as part of a team.  
  • Undertake initial and on-going training, as appropriate to the role.  
  • Set aside the time necessary to attend meetings.  
  • Abide by the Code of Conduct which undertakes to deal firmly and promptly with any cases of discrimination, harassment or prejudice. 
  • Abide by the Confidentiality Agreement.  

4. Equalities and diversity

4.1     The council believes in a fair society that gives everyone an equal chance to learn, work and live free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice; that the diversity of our community is an asset to our borough; in fighting against discrimination.  

4.2     The council is committed to equal opportunities policies and action to ensure that its employees and the people it serves are not discriminated against on the basis of their age, class, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, race or colour, HIV status, marital status, religious or political beliefs, responsibilities for children or dependants, sex, sexuality, trade union activities and unrelated criminal convictions.   

5. Frequency of meetings

5.1     The Housing Representatives Forum will be held six times per year on an approximately eight weekly basis. Meetings will take place on a Tuesday evening from 7pm. The Forum may establish task and finish sub-groups to lead on specific activities. Sub-groups must report to the Forum at an agreed frequency.  

6. Quorum

6.1    A quorum of 8 members will be required for the Housing Representatives Forum meeting to take place.  Inquorate meetings should be noted.  Recommendations from these meetings will usually be ratified at the next quorate meeting but in the case of urgent deadlines, recommendations can be agreed via email, at the discretion of the Chair.  

7. Officer support

7.1     The Forum will be provided with officer support in terms of taking meeting minutes, compiling meeting papers, and helping residents to access online meetings.  

7.2    Meeting papers will be sent by email to Housing Representatives Forum members seven calendar days before the date of the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting will be included with these papers.  

7.3    The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham aims to be the greenest borough. As part of this drive, we no longer be sending out hard copy papers unless there is a specific request and a proven need for these by individuals.   

8. Chairing of meetings

8.1     The Forum will elect a resident Chair and Vice Chair to carry out a one-year term before a further election is required by HRF members. If a Vice Chair isn’t elected, and the Chair is unable to chair a meeting, a rolling Chair system will be in place until the next AGM. 

8.2    The Chair and Vice Chair of the meeting should be available to discuss either in person, by phone or email to plan the next meeting agenda/review previous meeting actions with the Resident Involvement Team prior to the next meeting. The method of working with us on this will be decided by the Chair and Vice Chair.  

8.3     The Chair and Vice Chair may choose to chair Housing Representatives Forum meetings on an alternating basis.  

8.4    Nominations for the position of Chair and Vice Chair can be received in advance of the AGM in writing, or at the AGM before the election take place. 

9. Planning for future meetings

9.1     Housing Representatives Forum members will agree an outline agenda for the next meeting, based on resident and officer suggestions and actions that have been agreed at the meeting and the ongoing forward plan document.  

10. Accountability of the forum

10.1     Where possible, all recommendations will be agreed by consensus at forum meetings.  

10.2     Where a vote is required to take place, only the following will be eligible to vote:  

  • One representative from each TRA.  
  • The Chair of each improvement group (Investment Group, Estate Services Working Group and the Fire Safety Plus Advisory Group, Reading Group) or forum (Sheltered Housing Forum, Leaseholder Forums, and any other Forums as agreed).  
  • A maximum of three sheltered housing representatives, attending on behalf of the Sheltered Housing Forum.  

10.3    Residents attending the Housing Representatives Forum who are not elected members of a TRA, Improvement Group, or Forum will not be eligible to vote.  

10.4     The agreed minutes and documents of the Forum will be made available on the council website and to any resident, upon request. Minutes will be held online for a period of twelve months.  

10.5     Representatives are also asked to publicise the work of the Forum and the information that is discussed in the meetings.  

11. Recommendations and actions

11.1    All recommendations of the Forum will be presented to the Departmental Management Team (DMT), and / or relevant service improvement groups, as appropriate in the form of meeting minutes and actions. Housing Representative Forum members should receive feedback either in the form of an officer presentation or written briefing within two months of this feedback being received.   

12. Training

12.1 Training and support will be made available to members as required.

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