Housing Representatives Forum

The Housing Representatives Forum makes sure that residents’ views are reflected in all aspects of housing services and makes recommendations on all areas relating to the delivery of housing services. It is the central and most senior involvement group.

The purpose of the Housing Representatives Forum is to co-ordinate the activities of tenants and residents associations (TRAs), sheltered housing representatives, and the involvement groups.

The forum:

  • Identifies priorities for service provision
  • Ensure that residents’ views are reflected in the design and provision of services
  • Acts as a sounding board for new projects and pilots
  • Helps to increase networking and the sharing of ideas  
  • Receives an annual report on the Defend Council Homes Policy from the council's Monitoring Officer
  • Act as the reading group, commenting on documents that are shared by email and making suggestions for change


You can join the Housing Representatives Forum if you are a:

  • Lead Committee member of a council housing tenants and residents association (TRA)
  • Sheltered Housing Tenant Representative
  • Block or Street Champion
  • Chair or Vice Chair of one of our other involvement groups.

Key facts

  • Six meetings take place each year in January, March, May, July, September and November (Annual General Meeting).  
  • Meetings take place in person and sometimes there is the option of viewing the meeting online as a live stream webinar.
  • Representatives are elected on an annual basis.
  • Commitment of at least 12 months.
  • Participation required for up to three hours for each month that the meetings take place in.

More information

For more information please view the housing representatives' forum terms of reference.

Forum minutes are available on request.

Contact us

Contact the resident involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email GetInvolved@lbhf.gov.uk

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