1.0 Aims and Objectives
1.1 To ensure that Disabled residents and the people that support them (family members, carers) have a strong voice in shaping the council's housing service. The Group ethos is "Nothing About Disabled People Without Disabled People". The Group takes a Social Model of Disability approach to its work with a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility by coproducing the implementation of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy 2021(DPHS) and its four objectives:
- introduce a culture of co-production with disabled residents to shape housing services.
- improve access to housing information.
- improve housing services with disabled residents.
- identify ways to increase supply of accessible housing.
2.0 The Role of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group
2.1 To achieve the group's aims and objectives, the group will review and monitor the implementation of the Action Plan from the Disabled People's Housing Strategy (launched in 2021).
2.2 In order to co-produce implementation of the DPHS Action Plan, Disabled residents and decision makers will work together to:
- plan, design and review policy and service delivery to remove the barriers that disabled residents face.
- consider the accessibility of community facilities on council housing land.
- monitor and review the council's approach to the allocation of resources for disabled council housing residents.
- influence policy making and procedures around how we work with disabled council housing residents.
- ensure accountability, transparency, and value for money in terms of reviewing funding for the provision of facilities and services to disabled residents.
- promote the work of the group to other residents and encourage other Disabled residents and the people that support them to get involved.
3.0 Membership
3.1 Membership of the Disabled Peoples' Housing Strategy Implementation Group is open to all Disabled residents and the people that support them, living in a property managed or leased from the Council.
3.2 There should be no less than 6 members in the Group. The maximum number of resident members is 12.
3.3 Membership is subject to four conditions:
- to work co-operatively, constructively, and inclusively as part of a team
- a willingness/commitment to undertake training for the role.
- a willingness/commitment to set aside the time necessary to attend meetings and training.
- a commitment to abide by the agreed Code of Conduct
3.4 Membership of the Group will be reviewed annually. If membership falls below 6 residents, the viability of the Group will be considered.
3.5 Membership will be publicised on the resident involvement webpage and provided to all Housing Representatives Forum members after the AGM.
3.6 Members of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group cannot be both a member of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group and any future Scrutiny Panel. This clause is intended to avoid any potential conflict of interest in the work of both Groups.
3.7 Members of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group can also be members of one other service improvement Group.
3.9 Disabled people should make up the majority of the group's membership, to reflect our commitment to 'nothing about disabled people without disabled people'.
4.0 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
4.1 The council believes in a fair society that gives everyone an equal chance to learn, work and live free from discrimination, harassment, and prejudice and recognises that the diversity of our community is an asset to our borough.
4.2 The council will ensure no-one is discriminated against based on their age, class, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, race or colour, HIV status, marital status, religious or political beliefs, responsibilities for children or dependants, sex, sexuality, trade union activities and unrelated criminal convictions.
4.3 The Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group will recognise the existence and importance of the different lifestyles within our communities. The Group will work to ensure that no Group or individual will be directly or indirectly discriminated against.
4.4 The council will ensure relevant support is provided so that the membership of the Group is accessible to all. Members must abide by the Code of Conduct which undertakes to deal firmly and promptly with any cases of discrimination, harassment, or prejudice.
4.5 All members are required to undertake relevant training.
5.0 Frequency of Meetings
5.1 The group will have a minimum of 4 meetings per year. The meetings for the year will be scheduled following the AGM.
5.2 All meetings shall be held either online or in venues accessible to all Group members.
6.0 Quorum
6.1 A quorum will be more than 50% of members e.g. if membership is 12, a quorum will be 7. Inquorate meetings should be noted, and decisions ratified at the next quorate meeting.
6.2 If a meeting is inquorate:
6.3 absent members will be entitled to present their vote in advance (up to 48 hours before the meeting) in writing.
6.4 if required, officers can join the voting panel.
7.0 Officer Support
7.1 The Disabled Residents' Housing Group will be provided with officer support to co-ordinate activities.
8.0 Chairing of meetings
8.1 The Disabled Residents' Housing Group will elect a resident Chair and Vice Chair. The election for both roles will take place annually during the AGM.
8.2 The term of the appointment to Chair and Vice Chair roles will be for one year.
8.3 Following this, the Chair and Vice Chair will stand down and an election will take place.
8.4 Residents can only be Chair of one service improvement Group, or resident-led forum. Residents can only be Vice Chair of one service improvement Group, or resident-led forum.
8.5 The Chair will be provided with updates in terms of Group member attendance and will be responsible for discussing any areas of concern in terms of attendance, contribution to the Group, or breaches of the agreed code of conduct.
8.6 The Vice Chair will deputise for the Chair in their absence. This includes dealing with any issues in terms of breaches of the agreed code of conduct.
9.0 Accountability
9.1 The Disabled Residents' Housing Group is formally accountable to the Housing Representatives Forum, the Coproduction Implementation Group, and the Cabinet member for Housing. The minutes and all reports of Group will be made available on the council's website and to any resident on request.
9.2 When required, the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group may request that the Cabinet Member for Housing, Executive Director, or Assistant Director to attend their meeting.
9.3 In the event of the council having concerns about Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group compliance with these Terms of Reference, representatives from the council will meet with the Group at their next scheduled meeting. A joint agreement will be put in place to remedy this.
10.0 Budget
10.1 The council will consult with the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group and link to the resident involvement budget to support the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group to operate effectively.
10.2 The Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group will have access to a budget to cover access requirements, the participation fee, travel costs, and training.
11.0 Training
11.1 All new members will undertake an induction programme and training. Requirements will be assessed and agreed by Group members. A training programme will be developed and delivered with resident input. This will be regularly reviewed.
12 Evaluation of Disabled Residents' Housing Group Activities
12.1 The work of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group will be subject to an annual impact assessment and its findings will be reported to the Housing Representatives Forum.
13.0 Recruitment and Succession
13.1 Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group members will be recruited via an advertisement to residents. Training will be provided and there will be a code of conduct that members of the Group are expected to adhere to.
13.2 Members will be asked about any support they may need if they cannot attend meetings and other activities. This could include the use of technology to attend meetings by Zoom or Teams etc. If a member has not attended three consecutive meetings, a meeting/phone call will be organised to discuss if any additional support can be offered and to identify a plan to support attendance or by mutual agreement, temporary or permanent stepping down from