Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group (DPHSIG)

The aims of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group are to:

  • Ensure that Disabled residents and the people that support them (family members and carers) have a strong voice. The group ethos is "Nothing About Disabled People Without Disabled People". The group takes a social model of disability approach to its work, with a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility
  • Co-produce the implementation of the Disabled People's Housing Strategy 2021 and its 4 objectives.

Background to our co-production journey  

In September 2021 we published our first-ever Disabled People’s Housing Strategy, created in co-production with local Disabled residents. The strategy is ambitious and designed to meet the aspirations and priorities of Disabled residents across the borough.

The Disabled People's Housing Strategy was developed in co-production with Disabled people as good quality housing is very important in supporting Disabled residents to have choice and control in their lives.

This plan addresses how the council will work to ensure the best housing options for Disabled residents in the borough and puts into action some of the recommendations of the Disabled People's Commission in the context of housing service delivery.

H&F’s vision is to support Disabled residents to live as independently as possible (with support where appropriate) and have opportunities to access the appropriate housing options and suitable accommodation that meets their needs.

The plan contains four important goals:

  • Create a culture of co-production with Disabled residents and work together with those residents to improve their influence in shaping housing services.
  • Improve access to housing information with Disabled residents including housing options and housing services.
  • Improve the council’s services as a landlord for Disabled residents.
  • Identify ways to increase the supply of accessible and affordable housing to meet the needs with Disabled residents.

The resident led group Disabled People's Housing Strategy Implementation Group (DPHSIG) is now co-producing the implementation of the strategy to make our housing better. 

Claudia, the Co-Chair of the group has said: 

It’s a privilege to have this opportunity and I feel proud every time we have a meeting as we work together to make a difference. During the pandemic I started to work from home. I wanted to give back to the community but as an asthmatic I was high risk. I looked on the H&F website for ways of contributing and came across the Disabled people’s group.

This group was at the time a very new concept not only for H&F but in the country. As a resident of H&F and being involved in co-production is very rewarding.

We can help to shape the future of housing for Disabled people as Disabled people still face many challenges when it comes to finding housing however the council is committed to improving housing for all in the borough.

Claudia Domingues, Disabled resident and co-chair of DPHSIG

Key facts  

  • The group is open to all Disabled tenants and leaseholders who live in a property managed by H&F. The group is also open to parents and carers of Disabled residents.  
  • A minimum of four meetings take place each year.
  • Meetings take place in person and sometimes there is the option of joining the meeting online.  
  • Co-chaired by a resident group member.
  • Commitment of at least 12 months.  
  • Participation required for up to three hours for each month that the meetings take place in.  
  • A participation fee is paid to group members.  

The group has worked on various topics including allocations, adaptations and personal emergency evacuation plans for those who would need assistance to evacuate in the event of a fire. They are currently working with officers on draft policies that focus on Supporting Our Residents and Aids and Adaptations.  

More information 

For more information view the group's terms of reference and the Disabled People's Housing Strategy.

Group minutes are available on request. 

Interested in joining us?

Help us to make sure that Disabled residents and the people that support them have a strong voice.

If you’d like to work with us to shape housing services, agree policies and make decisions, please let us know! 

Sign up today!

Contact us

Contact the resident involvement team on 020 8753 6652 or email GetInvolved@lbhf.gov.uk

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