How can schools support the HAF programme?

Signposting and promoting

  • Schools can play a pivotal role in promoting and directing pupils and parents to the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. By guiding parents towards HAF opportunities and assisting with booking where needed, schools facilitate access to local provisions.
  • Schools can identify individual pupils who would benefit from HAF participation, contributing to the 15% extended eligibility initiative.

Providing a venue

  • Schools can rent their school facilities to HAF providers.
  • Should a school desire to host HAF activities on-site, they can contact the HAF team at, who will assist in advertising this opportunity to existing and potential providers.

Partnering with an HAF provider

  • Schools also can collaborate with HAF providers to facilitate programmes.
  • This partnership allows schools to tailor HAF offerings to meet the specific needs of their eligible students while relieving the school of involvement in application and reporting procedures, tasks managed by the partnering provider.

Becoming a provider

  • Schools have the option to become HAF providers themselves by applying for HAF funding.
  • This grants schools full autonomy over their offerings and flexibility in utilising their facilities to support the programme.

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