My Account privacy policy

How the council uses your information for My Account.

How the council uses your information for My Account

Hammersmith & Fulham Council is committed to abiding by the Data Protection Act 2018, as well as people's rights to confidentiality and respect for privacy.

We treat your private information with respect. It is kept secure. We have strict security measures in place to prevent the alteration, loss or misuse of information on our systems. Our online payments are subject to the tightest security under our control. Only staff and third parties including service providers who are entitled to see the information, have access to it and they may only use it for the purposes stated.

Service providers are contracted to provide certain services on behalf of the council and where appropriate we have Information Sharing Protocols and Agreements in place to formalise this.

We will do our best to keep information about you accurate and up to date and would like you to do the same. For example if you move address or change your name.

When we no longer have a need to keep information about you, we will dispose of it in a secure manner.

We use computer systems to ensure we have the best available information on you from the council departments who provide you with a service. In particular, we will use information about you on the following basis.

1. The information you give H&F's My Account will be used by our staff and third parties who provide council services on our behalf

2. H&F will primarily use the information you give My Account to register you for MyAccount, confirm your identity and entitlement and, as part of statistical management information, to assess the effectiveness of initiatives to improve both customer service, value for money and performance.

3. H&F will use all information held by us for the purpose of law enforcement, regulation and licensing, criminal prosecutions and court proceedings, we will use all information held by us in order to undertake those functions efficiently and effectively

H&F may also:

4. use the information you give us to maintain and improve the services which we deliver, this includes developing and upgrading the systems which we use to process your information

5. share the information you give us with other council services for research and analysis purposes, to help us design the services we provide and to identify and contact residents who may benefit from them, for example, we will send our online My Account holders regular emails updating them on council services.

6. share and compare your information with other council services and other organisations to make sure the information is accurate, to protect public funds, recover debt and/or prevent or detect fraud. These other organisations include government departments, other local authorities and private sector organisations such as banks or organisations that lend money.

If you require an interpreter or document translation, your data may be shared with our translation and interpretation service in order to provide this service. Data shared with our translation and interpretation service will be only for the explicit purpose of completing the translation/interpretation and will not be shared for any other purpose.

Our ambition is to deliver cost effective services that meet the needs of our residents and those who work in the borough. To do this, from time to time, we may contact you to ask your opinions about the council and the services it delivers, what it means to live or work in the borough, and how we set priorities, including those with partner agencies. This information will inform policy, set priorities and drive service improvement reviews.

For any enquiries about how MyAccount uses your personal information, in the first instance you should contact the Head of Customer Services, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London, W6 9JU.

Telephone number 020 8748 3020

You have the right to ask the council for a copy of the information that is held on you in My Account. If you wish to make a request to see what data is held please see Data Protection

If you wish to make a complaint about how H&F use your information please use H&F's corporate complaints procedure.

You can find more information about how H&F use personal information in our entry in the Information Commissioner's Office Register of Data Controllers. We must renew this annually and update it whenever we are going to use personal information in a new way.

Visit the ICO Registration of Data Controllers web page

Our Registration Number is Z5124889

If you would like to know more, including about how we look after your information, please see our Information Charter or contact the Information Management Team our details at the bottom of the Data Protection page.

You can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office to make a complaint.

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