Residents' Co-production Information Pack

Welcome to co-production!

Welcome to a new and better way of doing things in Hammersmith & Fulham. Co-production is all about building a fresh and lasting partnership between the council and our richly diverse community, to create an accessible and inclusive borough for everyone that lives, works, volunteers or studies here. It's our strategic commitment to 'doing things with residents, not to them.'

We are the first local authority in the country to commit to co-production across an entire council. This bold step forward came from recommendations set out in the Disabled People's Commission (DPC) 'Nothing About Disabled people Without Disabled people' report, published in June 2018.

About this information pack

This pack is for all Hammersmith & Fulham residents who have joined – or wish to join – a co-production group within the council. It's your guide to playing an active role in shaping services, policies, and the environment in our borough. Inside, you'll find useful information to help you make the most of this opportunity.

You'll learn how to contribute effectively, making life better for people in your neighbourhood and across the whole borough.

Our co-production vision

Our way of working is different. We co-produce with residents, community organisations, councillors, and other partners to build shared solutions that are implemented in H&F. This approach helps us bring to life our commitment to 'doing things with residents, not to them.'

We know it will be a big change for us all, but everyone is excited about the real possibilities. We will only know it's working when ALL residents say that it is.

Remember, co-production is a work in progress! We will update this pack every time some changes have taken place.

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