The SEND service

The SEND service support specific questions about a child with SEND and process the enquires for children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan.

If you require a call back from your allocated EHC Coordinator, the SEND service will share the request, and the coordinator will contact you within 5 working days.

EHC coordinators (0 to 13)

Who we support

We support children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their families who are residents of H&F.

What we do

  • Provide information on education, health and care (EHC) needs assessments and education, health and care needs (EHC) plans
  • Coordinate co-production meetings for new EHC needs assessments
  • Coordinate requests for placements and support to council decision makers
  • Support parents and young people to ensure that their views, wishes and feelings are included in EHC plans
  • Identify and consult on potential education placement options
  • Amend EHC plans following reviews where required
  • Provide information on changing school or college at key points of transition
  • Monitor EHC plans, including attendance at annual review meetings where required
  • Work closely with other professionals to ensure the EHC plan reflects all their views

EHC coordinators (14 to 25)

Who we support

We support children and young people aged 14 to 25 and their families who are residents of H&F.

What we do

  • Assist families in thinking about their options for adulthood
  • Amend education, health and care plans (EHC) plans following annual reviews
  • Answer queries about placements or support and address any educational issues identified
  • Coordinate requests for placements and support to council decision makers
  • Assist families in completing their section of the EHC plan as part of education, health and care reviews
  • Seek, identify and consult on potential placement options
  • Work closely with the post 16 pathways and employment coordinator
  • Attend annual reviews to understand aspirations, what is going well and where support could be improved
  • Work closely with other professionals to ensure the EHC plan reflects all their views
  • Take requests for placements and support to panel

EHC casework support officer

Who we support

We support children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their families who are residents of H&F.

What we do

  • Administer new education, health and care needs assessments and annual reviews of education, health and care plans (EHC) plans
  • Coordinate and proactively oversee requests for professional advice, as well as parents and young people views
  • Cover the SEND duty phone line, supporting the early resolution of enquiries from parents and young people
  • Support the 0 to 13 and 14 to 25 EHC plans coordinators with arranging meetings, sending casework correspondence and updating case records
  • Support the EHC coordinators with completing annual review of EHC plans

Contact us

Telephone: 020 8753 1021
Write to: 145 King Street (3rd Floor), W6 9XY

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