About the Local Offer for SEND

What the Local Offer for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is, Local Offer annual reports, strategies and plans.

Local Offer for SEND annual reports

Under the SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years, all councils must publish an annual report on the Local Offer for SEND.

This annual report details:

  • feedback about the local offer from children, young people and parents and carers
  • what progress we have made
  • what we have learnt and our next steps

The H&F Local Offer for SEND shows in one place information on education, health and care provision locally including advice, support and services available to help people with SEND achieve their potential.

It includes health services, schools and other educational settings and voluntary and community groups as well as listing upcoming events.

Since becoming a single borough in 2018, we have been using a process of co-production to continually improve the Local Offer. This is so it becomes the one place that young, parents and carers go to find out what they need to know.

A priority has been re-working the Local Offer website to ensure that it meets the needs of residents, rather than displaying information as a service directory.

This work is ongoing.

Local Offer annual reports


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