Occupational therapy services for children and young people

In H&F three occupational therapist services support children and young people to learn, socialise and play. 

  1. If you have tried and your child needs more help with self-care activities such as dressing, eating, and toileting and sleep routines the CYPOT (Occupational Therapy for Children) NHS service can help. This service collaborates with families, nurseries, schools and other providers. Visit the online resources on the NHS site CYPOT (Occupational Therapy for Children) or contact clcht.referrals.cypot@nhs.net for an initial assessment if difficulties persist.
  2. If your child requires support to become more independent in daily tasks such as getting in and out of bed or accessing the bathroom or needs special equipment like a feeding chair, the Social Care OTs can help. This team also helps when is necessary to make adaptations at home for the child to access facilities. This can be for washing or to increase the safety in the home such as installing ramps instead of steps. For a referral to this team please email the Initial Consultation Team (ICAT) at family.services@lbhf.gov.uk
  3. If your child has an education, care and health plan (EHC) plan that indicates occupational therapy (OT) needs in section ‘F’, the SEN OT (Special Education Needs) service can help at school. 

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