School admissions and SEND

The process to apply for a school place if your child has special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), what we expect from schools, medical needs policy in schools, SEND information report.

Applying for schools if your child has SEND

If your child doesn't have an education, health and care (EHC) plan, you can apply for a primary school place in the same way as other parents. If your child has an EHC plan, the school named in their plan must offer them a place.

If your child is being assessed for special educational needs you should follow the standard process. If you don't apply for a place and your child doesn't get a statement you may miss out on a place at one of your preferred schools.

Choosing a school

Every school publishes details about how it supports pupils with special educational needs.

Choosing a mainstream school

You should find out:

  • whether the school has experience of children with similar needs and what strategies have been effective
  • what the school's special educational needs policy is
  • how the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) passes information about children to teaching staff
  • how your child would be supported in class
  • how you'd be involved in your child's progress and development

If your child has an EHC plan and you're unsure if a school is suitable for them, you can talk to your EHC Coordinator.

Choosing a special school or school with a resource base

Special schools only take children who have a particular type of educational need such as visual impairment or physical disability. Some mainstream schools have resource bases to deal with particular needs.

Our special schools and resource bases in mainstream schools only admit children with EHC plans whose needs are very severe and complex.

Choosing a secondary school if your child has an EHC plan

Your child's EHC plan must name a secondary school by 15 February in the year that they are due to start secondary school.

Someone from your child's new secondary school will come to your child's Year 6 annual review meeting to discuss what will need to happen when your child transfers.

Visit SEN resource based units, specialist schools and inclusive post-16 provision

Starting school

When you know what school your child will be going to, you can speak to the headteacher or SENCO about your child’s needs.

This will help the school to decide how to best support your child.

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