School admissions and SEND

The process to apply for a school place if your child has special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), what we expect from schools, medical needs policy in schools, SEND information report.

Inclusive post-16 provision and independent special schools

We provide a range of specialist advisory services that will support nurseries, schools, and colleges to meet a child’s or young person’s needs.

Post 16 inclusive provision

William Morris Sixth Form London

William Morris Sixth Form London is a mainstream provision for young people aged 16 to 19. The setting provides various courses at levels 1, 2 and 3 and prepares students for further education, training, or work after they graduate from the Sixth Form.  

Staff receive extra training from the SENCO, which oversees and coordinates support for children and young people with special educational needs in settings. Teachers are skilled in supporting students both in regular classes and in the learning support building.

West London College

West London College is a further education college that offers education opportunities for learners with EHCPs across three sites in West London including Ealing, Hammersmith and Southall.

The college offers mainstream further education courses covering a wide range of academic and vocational subjects. Additionally, it has a special inclusive learning department for learners with higher levels of need.  

The Inclusive Learning department welcomes young people with a variety of moderate, severe, and profound learning difficulties and disabilities.

Programmes are personalised and taught in realistic, working environments.

Lessons are delivered within the specialist department, but young people are encouraged and supported to integrate into mainstream college life through shared facilities such as the canteen and Learning Centre.

The college has a range of specialist facilities including IT suites with accessibility software, interactive whiteboards, accessible kitchens and Opti Music, and at Southall Community College, a replica studio flat and sensory room.

Independent special schools

Section 41 of the Children and Families Act 2014 allows the Secretary of State to publish a list of approved independent educational institutions, independent special schools and post-16 institutions. These approved independent settings can be considered for inclusion in an EHC plan. Institutions can only be included on the list with their consent.

The list of independent special schools and colleges on GOV.UK is updated to include approved applicants and remove institutions that have not continued to meet the Section 41 eligibility criteria.

Independent special schools and post-16 institutions – GOV.UK

Please can contact the schools listed to inquire about your child's enrolment. 

For more details about each school, visit their websites. You can also access the latest Ofsted inspection report.

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