Our short breaks consultation has now closed. However, we welcome your feedback at anytime. If you would like to give feedback about short breaks provision you can do so via email to becky.powell@lbhf.gov.uk
Have your say about short breaks for children with disabilities and their families.
What are short breaks
Short breaks are for children with disabilities and their families. A short break might include carer support in the community, group activities such as after school or holidays clubs. The support can include for example personal care, support with independence skills, or for sports or play activities.
To access short breaks children, need to be under 18 years old, be resident in H&F and have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on their ability to do everyday activities. The council has a duty to provide short breaks where an assessment identifies they are necessary to meet the needs of the child and their family.
The last comprehensive review of short breaks was implemented in 2018 with the building and delivery of in-house services from the Stephen Wiltshire centre, and the commissioning of services from local providers.
Have your say
We want to hear from disabled children and young people, parents carers and service providers about how we can improve the short breaks offer.
The consultation closed on 15 January 2025.
Consultation events
You can also have your say at one or more of these consultation events.
Open to all
Tuesday 29 October 11am to 3pm drop-in in person at Family Hub Stephen Wiltshire Centre (in the Pod), or on Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 395 583 762 550 Passcode: 9wR7UN
Open to all
Wednesday 30 October 5.30pm to 7pm online only on Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 367 978 998 707 Passcode: WtKwga
Parents and carers only
Tuesday 5 November 10am to 12 noon online only on Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 310 044 079 925 Passcode: n87HqE
Providers only
Tuesday 5 November 12.30pm to 2pm online only on Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 381 161 434 579 Passcode: gWB32F
Parents and carers only
Thursday 14 November 10am to 12 noon in person at Family Hub Stephen Wiltshire Centre (in the training room) or on Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 335 247 246 514 Passcode: SehtgX
As well as these events we will be consulting with children with disabilities engaging in existing groups and schools.
Contact details
We are always keen to hear your views. If you want to give any feedback about short breaks, the short breaks service or Stephen Wiltshire Centre please feel free to contact Becky Powell, the service manager on becky.powell@lbhf.gov.uk
A phone call can be also organised if that is preferred.