The kitchen in keyworker Catherine's flat, newly purchased through H&F's shared equity scheme
Hammersmith & Fulham Council is now giving keyworkers the first chance to buy and rent homes across the borough.
It's thanks to our H&F Home Buy scheme (pdf 594KB), which aims to support local people on modest incomes, with local key workers prioritised amongst them, across all of their schemes.
The key workers can work towards owning their own homes by benefiting from the London Living Rent, so they can save up for a deposit.
"Having a secure, stable home is something everyone deserves," said Cllr Frances Umeh, H&F Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness. "And our Home Buy scheme means that those who need support getting on the housing ladder can access it."
H&F Home Buy
The Home Buy scheme helps first-time buyers who live or work in H&F and who are on low to middle incomes buy their first home. The service works to ensure that residents aren't forced to rent expensive accommodation or live miles away from work because they can't afford a home within the borough.
The Home Buy process includes assistance for residents at all stages of the home-buying process.
Keyworker Catherine, 48, a teacher at West London Free School in Hammersmith, recently bought a one-bedroom flat in White City, through H&F Home Buy and the council's equity share scheme.
"I heard about the scheme through a colleague who also teaches in H&F," Catherine said. "I was previously renting and couldn't afford to buy an entire flat or even a shared ownership property by myself.
"The council equity share scheme is a wonderful deal for me. I've purchased 47 per cent of my flat and don't have to pay rent on the half I don't own, only my mortgage."
Catherine began looking for a place to buy through H&F's Home Buy scheme 18 months ago.
"My budget was very small so there were a lot of properties that I couldn't afford and so didn't register my interest for. But registration was really easy, and I was always emailed when a property that matched my wish-list became available.
"I used to login and check the website every now and then, and it moved really quickly when I found a home I liked. I only had two weeks between seeing my flat, registering my interest, and being told I could buy the property! I talk all the time about the scheme, I'd definitely recommend the service."
To register for H&F Home Buy, visit our dedicated Home Buy website.
Or email handfhomebuy@lbhf.gov.uk or call 020 8753 6464.
London Living Rent in H&F
The London Living Rent scheme is for middle-income households who want to save up and buy their own home through shared ownership.
Under the Mayor of London scheme, landlords support tenants' efforts to buy property by offering below-market rent, based on a third of local household incomes. This gives residents the opportunity to save a greater portion of their earnings for a deposit.
We successfully launched our first London Living Rent properties in White City earlier this year in the White City Living Development. Homes in the development were also available through the Shared Ownership and Intermediate Rent low-cost housing schemes.
To learn more about the home buying schemes available across H&F, including the council's Shared Equity scheme, Shared Ownership Part Rent and Intermediate Rent, visit our buying a home page.
Finding a home in H&F
As part of our new, world-leading Industrial Strategy we believe local government has a role in supporting economic growth and want to ensure that this benefits all residents, not just a fortunate few.
If you'd like to learn more about finding a home in H&F, including affordable and sheltered housing, visit our finding a home page.
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