Business rates reductions

There are several different circumstances in which business rate reductions or relief apply.

Supporting small business relief

Ratepayers losing supporting small business relief, or 2017 SSBR as a result of the 2023 revaluation will have their increases limited to a cash value of £600 per year.


Some types of property are exempt from business rates.

Reducing your bill

Your business rates bill may be reduced as a result of one or more of the following being granted:

In addition the government's explanatory notes provide more information on many of these areas.

Rating advisers

Ratepayers do not have to be represented in discussions about their rateable value, their rates bill or applying for discounts/reliefs. However, ratepayers who do wish to be represented should be aware that members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV) are qualified and are regulated by rules of professional conduct designed to protect the public from misconduct.

Before you employ a rating adviser, you should check that they have the necessary knowledge and expertise, as well as appropriate indemnity insurance. Take great care and, if necessary, seek further advice before entering into any contract.

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