Fulham FC’s proposed use of part of Bishop’s Park

Fulham FC’s part use of Fielders Meadow as a compound. 

(update as of 05/04/2024)

Fulham FC new Riverside Stadium development has unfortunately suffered two key delays in the development of the facility improvements, the first was the Covid pandemic and the second was their lead contractor went into administration. This has meant two extensions to the compound area they currently occupy in Bishop's Park and the inability to open the new Thames Path / Riverside walk extension between Bishop's Park and Stevenage Park to the north of the stadium. They are now working with their fit-out contractor hoping to avoid any further delays as they are keen to open the Riverside Stand and Riverside Walk as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.

Whilst there has been a delay to the stadium development and works stopped whilst a new lead contractor was found, the Football club have continued to pay the council a fee for the occupation of the part of the park used as a compound. This agreement was detailed in a Deed of Covenant between the Church Commissioners on behalf of the Bishop of London, the council and Fulham Stadium Limited. The fee has also been uplifted since the original agreement. This license fee is in addition to the Section106 developer contributions to the original planning permission.

For transparency, the payments made to the council to date are as follows:

£100,000 Security deposit for the compound license on park land (To be returned on satisfactory completion of reinstatement).

£660,000 Section 106 contribution.

£150,000 Initial lump sum payment for the compound license.

£789,600 Compound annual license fee since 6 June 2019 until 31 March 2024.

£1,599,600 in total to date.

So far, the council has spent the initial £688,000 (S106 payment) on the resurfacing on the Thames Path within the Park from Putney Bridge to the compound boundary. The council has recently awarded a contract for the refurbishment of the riverside railings from Putney Bridge to the compound boundary - this will begin in April and take approximately 12 months to complete. The total cost of this project is approximately £460,000. 

A further £136,000 was spent on the outdoor gym and Moat Garden improvements in 2020/21. 

That leaves at least £0.3M plus any further compound license fees for further Bishop's Park improvement and enhancement projects and schemes including the refurbishment of the balustrades surrounding the lake to be finalised in discussion with amongst others the Friends of Bishop's Park and Church Commissioners in the near future.

Both of these events have been beyond the control of the council and we have taken appropriate steps to work with the Football Club to manage these situations and ensure the council on behalf of the Church Commissioners have received due financial compensation for the loss of public amenity of the park during this temporary but longer than anticipated occupation.   

The latest on the stadium development is that Football Club have committed to opening up the new Riverside Stand and Riverside Walk by the end of 2024 and the compound area of Bishops Park will be returned to park within 6 months afterwards, therefore by the end of June 2025. Fulham FC are responsible for returning the park to its original state as part of the license conditions.

Consultation held in 

Fulham FC has asked to temporarily use of a section of Bishop’s Park as part of its redevelopment works at Craven Cottage.

We know that losing a section of the park will be inconvenient for local residents and regular park users. But the scheme brings significant benefits to the park.

The redevelopment will unlock £660,000 towards park improvements and an additional £44,000 each year towards park maintenance for 10 years – both of which are ringfenced exclusively for Bishop’s Park. In addition, Fulham FC would pay an annual rental fee of £164,000 and an upfront payment of £150,000 – all of which will be used towards the maintenance of the park.

This money could be used to pay for upgrades to the park’s lighting, improved footpaths and the repainting of the riverside railings, for example.

The council granted permission in December 2018 for the club to redevelop its Riverside stand including consent for them to use part of Bishop’s Park as a works compound – subject to an agreement with the council. The planning reference is 2017/04662/FUL.

Fulham FC are hoping to start works in April 2019.

However, this is subject to finalising the lease, council authority and seeking permission from the Church Commissioners. The compound could be in place until April 2022, or longer if a lease starts later than April 2019.

If approved, a temporary path will be installed to ensure a full loop of the park can still be made.

We can accept comments up to and including Wednesday 24 April. These can be made in writing to

Ian Ross 
Parks Manager
Hammersmith & Fulham Council
C/o The Stable Yard
Holland Park
Ilchester Place
London W8 6LU

Or be sent by email to Parks@lbhf.gov.uk.

The 5,637m2 compound will be next to the Putney Stand and at the Fielders Meadow end of Bishop’s Park.

Image 1

The works compound will be next to the Putney Stand and at the Fielders Meadow end of Bishop’s Park

Frequently asked questions

Will there be a formal lease?

Yes. The council and Fulham FC are in regular contact with the Church Commissioners over the temporary discharge of these covenants. In order for this to happen the council and Fulham FC will be required to meet a number of criteria. One of these will be that any income generated is ringfenced for use in the park.

What will the income generated be spent on?

Any income generated by the council is reserved for use in the park. We have some ideas about how best to use the funding and have had initial discussions with the Friends of Bishop’s Park, but we’ll formally consult residents to ensure everyone’s views are considered.

Will the proposed compound be used for anything other than this development?

Fulham FC might want to build a temporary concourse extension, primarily for spectator match day use, oversailing approximately 10m2 of the compound site along part of its boundary with the club’s Putney Stand. The approximate location of the concourse is shown coloured yellow in the above map of the proposed compound.

Will any trees be lost?

Three trees are proposed to be removed, two at the entrance of the compound (a multi-stemmed London Plane and a Tree of Heaven), which formed part of the planning consent. A further tree in the park (a Robinia) will also be removed. This tree has Ganoderma fungus and has a limited life span. Each of these large trees will be replaced with three new specimen trees once works have been completed. Some small trees and scrub next to the Putney Stand will also be removed. These will each be replaced with three new trees for every one removed. All trees retained in the compound will be protected.

How will the park be affected?

Parkrun is likely to go ahead, but with a different start point. The water tap will be relocated beside the temporary footpath. All memorial benches will either be relocated or put into temporary storage. Fulham FC are aware of the sensitivity of memorial benches. If you have specific concerns, please contact us at Parks@lbhf.gov.uk.

Will the area be returned to the council in the same condition after works have finished?

Yes. It will be a requirement of the lease that the area is returned to its current condition. Fulham FC are keen to work with the council to improve this end of the park for the benefit of local residents and park users.

Can I still object to the original planning application?

No. The consultation has been completed and planning permission has now been granted.

How will vehicles enter and exit the site?

Material will arrive by river to and from Putney and by road using a specific route from Fulham Palace Road turning into Bishop’s Park Road and turning right along Stevenage Road. This route permits larger vehicles to manoeuvre and turn adequately in the roads, preventing disruption on all other approaches to the ground.

When complete when will the riverside path be open to the public?

The path will be open the same hours as the park with the exception of match days when it will be closed in advance of, during and shortly after fixtures.

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