Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Information on the the Community Infrastructure Levy in Hammersmith and Fulham.

CIL (H&F borough)

1. What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?

CIL is a fee charged by the council to developers to help pay for facilities and community services such as:

  • transport including roads
  • schools/colleges
  • medical/health services
  • sports and open spaces

CIL is charged on new developments. Normally these developments will need planning permission from the council, the Planning Inspectorate or the Secretary of State on appeal. CIL may also be payable on permitted developments. For more information see the CIL charging schedule and map.

2. What development is liable for CIL?

Developments which add 100m2 or more of new floorspace or create a new dwelling will have to pay. The size limit doesn't apply to new dwellings. A charge can be payable on a single house or flat of any size, unless it is built by a 'self-builder' (restrictions apply).

Section 106 agreements will still be used as well. For more information see the relationship between CIL and S106 agreements.

3. Who is liable to pay the levy?

The landowner on which the development will be situated. Although liability rests with the landowner, it is possible that others involved in a development may wish to pay. To allow this, anyone can come forward and assume liability for the development.

4. How is the levy paid?

Once you have notified us that you have commenced works, we will issue a notice and you will have 60 days to pay by BACS (although an instalment policy may be available for larger developments). The references needed to pay and the account details will be provided to you in the notice.

CIL instalments policy - The regulations provide for councils to allow payment of CIL on larger projects in instalments, the help cash flow on those project

5. Is there any relief from CIL?

Relief is available in certain circumstance – more information can be found on the planning portal.

6. Which developments do not incur CIL?

  • Developments of less than 100m2 - except where a new dwelling is created
  • Houses, flats, residential annexes and residential extensions which are built by 'self-builders'
  • Social housing that meets the relief criteria
  • Charitable development that meets the relief criteria
  • Buildings which people do not normally go into
  • Buildings which people go into rarely to inspect or maintain a fixed plant or machinery
  • Structures which are not buildings such as pylons and wind turbines
  • Specified types of development which we have decided should be a 'zero' rate and has been explained in the charging schedule
  • Vacant buildings being brought back into the same use

Where the CIL liability is calculated to be less than £50, the chargeable amount is deemed to be zero so no CIL is due.

You may wish to see the monitoring statements.

7. Infrastructure Funding Statements

8. Cabinet reports and decisions - planning obligations and CIL

For more information about the Cabinet reports and decisions, email

Further guidance

Further information is available from:

CIL (Mayoral)

Mayor of London's (Mayoral) CIL

The Mayor of London is currently charging CIL across the whole of Greater London to help fund Crossrail.

Further information on the Mayor of London's CIL is available from:

Mayoral CIL Information

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