H&F launches jam-packed schedule of free summer activities for older residents

Stay active this summer with an exciting line-up of sport, social and cultural activities for older residents.

Stay active this summer with an exciting line-up of sport, social and cultural activities for older residents across the borough.

H&F Council launched the new ‘A Little and Often’ summer programme this week, which runs until Monday 1 October.

The free activities for local residents, who are 50 years old and above, will take place in venues and parks across H&F with no need to book sessions – just pop down to one.

We are working with our partners to provide these fun new activities to help improve local residents’ wellbeing and health which is more important than ever following the Covid pandemic. 

Check out what’s on offer in H&F


  • Swimming
    Phoenix Leisure Centre, W12 7DB
    9.30am - 11am
    Until Monday 30 August
  • Tennis
    Fulham Pools, SW6 7ST
    11am - 12 noon
    Until Monday 27 September
  • Walking netball
    Ravenscourt Park, W6 0UA
    4pm - 5pm
    Until Monday 27 September


  • Tai Chi
    Normand Park, W14 9PB
    11am - 12 noon
    Until Tuesday 28 September
  • Cultural activities
    Normand Park, W14 9PB
    4pm - 5pm
    Until Tuesday 28 September


  • Grow Well
    St Pauls Green, W6 9HW
    11am - 1pm
    Until Wednesday 11 August

    Cathnor Park, W12 9HY
    11am - 1pm
    From 8-15 September
  • Outdoor gym exercise
    Normand Park, W14 9PB
    1.30pm - 2.30pm
    Until Wednesday 29 September
  • Indoor gym exercise
    Lillie Road Fitness Centre, SW6 7PD
    3pm - 4pm
    Until Wednesday 29 September


  • Dance
    Ravenscourt Park, W6 0UA
    11am - 12 noon
    Until Thursday 30 September
  • Health walk
    Hammersmith Apollo (meeting point), W6 9QH
    1.30pm - 2.30pm
    Until Thursday 30 September


  • Zumba
    Bishops Park, SW6 6EA
    11am - 12 noon
    From 6 August to 1 October
  • Outdoor gym exercise
    Old Oak Gym, W12 0DF
    1.30pm - 2.30pm
    From 6 August to 1 October
  • Cultural activities
    Ravenscourt Park, W6 0UA
    4pm - 5pm
    From 6 August to 1 October

Contact our sports development team at sportsdevelopment@lbhf.gov.uk or call 07584 150 921 if you have any questions about the new programme.

For more information on venues visit our Leisure centres web page.

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