Get counting to see how many new flowers are in H&F

We are approaching the end of No Mow May in parks

We are approaching the end of No Mow May in parks and it’s time to see how many flowers have been spared the chop.

We’re asking residents to take part in the Every Flower Counts survey to see how many flowers have sprung up on wilder lawns. You can take part in your own back garden or in one of H&F’s blooming open spaces.

For the past month, H&F has let grass grow wild in our parks and verges to help create more spaces for bees, plants and insects to thrive.

“We’ve had a fantastic response from residents for our contribution to No Mow May,” said Cllr Sharon Holder, H&F Cabinet Member for Strategy. “Now we have a chance to see what impact we’ve had for pollinators in our parks and on our verges.”

There’s still time to send us pictures of your new wild areas. The best five images sent to will win a £50 gift certificate to the W6 Garden Centre in Ravenscourt Park.

Flower power

The survey requires no specialist equipment and is free and fun for all the family.

To take part, select an unmown lawn and measure out a 1 by 1 metre square. Next, in your square count the number of open flowers you can see for each type of flower. Visit the Plantlife website for the three easy steps to taking part as well as a handy ID guide for those not florally confident.

Residents taking part in their gardens can get their own personal score. While others can take part in their local green space and contribute to H&F’s score to see how many bees we’ve been feeding with all our extra daisies and dandelions.

No Mow May is just one way that H&F is responding to the ecological emergency towards our ambition of becoming the greenest borough. Read more to find out what else we’re doing to tackle the climate and ecological emergency in H&F as we aim to make the borough the greenest in Britain.

To get involved visit Every Flower Counts and follow the instructions.

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