Parks Police take reins to help give hope to abandoned horse

An emaciated elderly horse, found abandoned on Wormwood Scrubs has been given a new lease of life in Norfolk.

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Rescued horse Pretty Girl will now enjoy her retirement in Norfolk

An emaciated elderly horse, found abandoned on Wormwood Scrubs has been given a new lease of life in Norfolk, thanks to H&F’s Parks Police.

Thirty-year-old mare, ‘Pretty Girl’ was in a terrible condition and close to death when she was first found in April this year by Parks Police officers.

But despite her poor state, after five months of food and care with the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre, she’s now will enjoy a well-earned retirement, grazing in the grounds of the Hillside Sanctuary in Norfolk.

“This was certainly one of the more unusual cases for our Parks Police team,” said Cllr Wesley Harcourt, H&F Cabinet Member for Environment.

“We take animal welfare incredibly seriously and are so glad we were able to work with the brilliant Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre to help Pretty Girl make a great recovery.

“We wish her all the best for her new life in Norfolk.”

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Pretty Girl was found dangerously underweight when she was found by Parks Police officers

Terrible neglect

After she was found, efforts were made to trace her owners but without success. So, the council used the Control of Horses Act 2015 to claim legal ownership.

She was placed temporarily with Sister Mary Joy Langdon at the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre who volunteered to provide her with temporary stabling.

A vet visited and found Pretty Girl had been horrifically neglected, was dangerously underweight and her teeth were in a poor condition.

The outlook was not looking good, but Sister Mary Joy and her team of volunteers gave all the help they could and Pretty Girl responded accordingly, with a remarkable recovery.

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Pretty Girl has retired to Norfolk, thanks to the Parks Police and Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre

Happy ending

With the Pony Centre’s usual residents due to return from their summer break and a national problem with abandoned horses and shortage of hay, the Parks Police team’s final challenge was finding a permanent home for Pretty Girl.

After ringing countless animal refuges, the Hillside Sanctuary stepped in to help give Pretty Girl a deservingly comfy home to see out the remainder of her years.

Sister Mary Joy said: “We will be very sorry to see her go, but are really glad she bounced back to health and will enjoy her retirement in the countryside.”

Click on these links to donate and help the valuable work of Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre and Hillside Sanctuary.

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