Idling motorists targeted for Clean Air Day 2018

Drivers will be asked to switch off their engines while stationary, as H&F Council takes action for Clean Air Day this week (21 June).

Drivers will be asked to switch off their engines while stationary, as H&F Council takes action for Clean Air Day this week.

The national awareness day takes place on Thursday 21 June, and highlights the problem of air pollution and how people can reduce it, or avoid it, to try and live healthier lives.

Members of Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s environmental quality team will be out in Hammersmith Town Centre on the day, asking motorists with idling engines to turn them off and giving them information on how idling makes air quality worse and effects the health of those nearby, including themselves.

“Our town centres already have high levels of air pollution,” said Cllr Wesley Harcourt, H&F Cabinet Member for Environment. “Having an idling engine is illegal and contributes to air pollution, but is completely avoidable,”

“Air pollution is particularly dangerous to children, so as part of our aim of being the greenest borough in the country we’re working hard to reduce it.”

Pledge for cleaner air

H&F Council will also be working with HammersmithLondon BID who will be on Lyric Square from noon until 3pm, giving out information to visitors on how to improve air quality and avoid air pollution where they live and work.

Visitors will also be asked to pledge to continue making changes to live in a more environmentally positive way.

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