H&F primary pupils make huge leap in exam results

Primary school pupils in H&F have achieved the fourth best test results in the country.

Primary school pupils in Hammersmith & Fulham have achieved the fourth best test results in the country.

The rankings place H&F pupils near the top in test results this year. In fact, 11-year-olds from H&F jumped up the rankings from 14th place last year to fourth place this year in the annual SAT exams.

The pupils have now embarked on their secondary school education.

“These are excellent results which reflect both pupil’s hard work and the dedication and passion of our wonderful teachers,” said Cllr Sue Macmillan, H&F Cabinet Member for Children and Education.

“Congratulations to everybody and good luck to pupils who joined their new secondary schools this month.”

The performance tables list schools by the percentage of pupils equalling or exceeding the national average in reading writing and maths.

Seventy-two percent of H&F primary school pupils taking the tests met or exceeded the expected standard in all three subjects. This compares to an average of 61 per cent across the country and 66 per cent in inner London.

These interim results will be followed by the official results which will be published in December.

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