Do the residents of Fulham need their own shed?

A Fulham charity – funded by H&F – aims to support a group of local men and women with a new ‘shed’ scheme.

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Fulham Good Neighbours.

An award-winning Fulham charity – funded by Hammersmith & Fulham Council – aims to host and support a group of local men and women with a new ‘shed’ scheme.

Fulham Good Neighbours hope that the shed – a larger version of the typical garden shed – will create a friendly meeting place that will bring local residents together to socialise as well as engaging in woodwork and other activities.

“This award winning shed scheme is a great way to meet new friends and share a hobby,” says Cllr Sue Fennimore, Deputy Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council. 

“If you are keen to hear more about how the scheme works, I would encourage you to head down to the event next Tuesday to find out more about it and the fantastic work that Fulham Good Neighbours do in the borough.”

Pop down to Fulham Good Neighbours on Tuesday 7 November for a cuppa to give your opinion. Or simply to have a nice chat over tea and biscuits. The meeting begins at 6pm at Rosaline Hall in Rosaline Road, Fulham. 

The event will be attended by Mike Jenn, chair of the Camden Town Shed, who will explain how to get started.

Fulham Good Neighbours

Fulham Good Neighbours has provided companionship and practical help for the elderly and vulnerable people in the area for over 50 years and continues to go strong.

Earlier this year, the charity set up a project supporting residents over the age of 85 who’ve been discharged from Charing Cross Hospital. They started a weekly shared reading group, as well as an extra Silver Club, and bought a small van to help with the gardening and decorating projects they do for fragile residents.

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