Football fans asked to dig deep to help hospitalised left back

Following a freak fall at home last month, which left an ex-QPR player in danger of life-altering injuries, Rangers' fans and the local community have rallied to offer help and support for one of their own.

Following a freak fall at home last month, which left an ex-QPR player in danger of life-altering injuries, Rangers' fans and the local community have rallied to offer help and support for one of their own.

Left back Leah Taylor, who spent several years with QPR Ladies, was left requiring emergency surgery on her neck and without the quick response and efforts of paramedics and A&E staff, she would have been left paraplegic.

Following surgery Leah, of Ladbroke Grove, is recovering at the Royal London Hospital and starting physiotherapy.

However, with a three-month waiting time for a bed in a specialist rehabilitation centre her surgeon has recommended that she is transferred to a private centre to give her the best chance of one day walking again.

Which is where her football family stepped in.

On Wednesday night, despite unseasonal torrential rain, a healthy crowd gathered at Bedfont Sports Club, to see a fundraising match between QPR Ladies and Actonians, who who Leah lined-up last season.

QPR Ladies manager Martino Chevannes said: “We’d like to thank everyone who came and donated.

“The main focus was Leah, and it was great to see her family there.

“It was a good, competitive game played in a good spirit by both sides.

“We’ve still got a long way to go in terms of fundraising, so we’re aiming to do more events during the coming months. It’s important we help Leah’s family reach their total so Leah can get her much-needed rehabilitation.”

Actonians ran out 4-0 winners on the night, and the game raised £550 towards Leah's appeal.

Leah's family, who are all QPR supporters, are hoping to raise £9,000 to give her the very best chance of a full recovery, and they welcome any donations via their Justgiving page.

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