Time running out to ‘Support Our Schools’ against planned government cuts

Have your say on government plans to cut school funding before the consultation closes on Wednesday 22 March.

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The recent ‘Support Our Schools’ public meeting at Hammersmith Town Hall

Parents and teachers are being urged to have their say on government plans to cut school funding before the consultation closes on Wednesday 22 March.

The government plans have already been condemned by parents, teachers, education professionals and trade unions, more than 400 of whom attended a packed public meeting at Hammersmith Town Hall on 28 February.

The meeting was part of Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s ‘Support Our Schools’ campaign, which has seen the council working with parents and teachers to vigorously oppose the cuts to our schools.

You can watch what happened at the packed public meeting here.

“Parents and teachers in H&F are rightly furious about government plans to cut funding to local schools – cuts that will see schools forced to cut teacher numbers,” said Cllr Sue Fennimore, H&F Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion.

“As part of H&F’s ‘Support Our Schools’ campaign, we are urging any teachers or parents share their views before 22 March. 

“It’s crucial that their voices are heard. It will add yet more pressure on the government to think again about these dangerous cuts.” 

In addition to already soaring costs, if the cuts were implemented, small primary schools would face a financial burden of over £100,000 per year – the equivalent of at least two teachers. 

In a secondary school this would mean an even larger financial squeeze, with much less available to spend on children’s education.

You can find out more about H&F’s ‘Support Our Schools’ campaign here.

How you can have your say

You can complete the government consultation online

You can also help fight the cuts in the following ways

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